Tap into our extensive experience with water disposal companies — from small start-ups to large international corporations.
We have looked after disposal projects ranging from Northern BC, throughout Alberta, and into Southeastern Saskatchewan.
Our professionals can handle a project from inception (area and well searches) to end-of life (abandonment) and everything in between.
Project Management
Our engineers draw upon extensive experience with disposal well life-cycles to maximize your disposal potential at any project stage.
CG provides drilling, completions, workover programs, cost estimates, stimulation options, and regulatory applications.
Wellsite Supervision
CG’s wellsite supervisors have disposal well experience throughout the WCSB and are versed in the latest logging, stimulation, and reservoir tools.
Our team is based out of Grande Prairie, Calgary, and Central Alberta, minimizing mob and de-mob costs to your operations.
Featured customers
Water disposal engineering services
Drilling & Completions
Drilling of new wells specifically for disposal operations.
Completions of new zones to maximize disposal potential.
Well setup to maximize longevity and minimize maintenance costs.
Well Maintenance & Optimization
Troubleshooting declining wells.
Programming and execution of stimulation programs.
Programming and execution of workover and servicing programs.
Wellbore repair including casing patches, cement squeezes and SCVF remediation.
Water Disposal & Management for Deep Shale
With ever increasing activity in deep shale plays within the WCSB the need for water disposal and water management continues to grow. Our experienced staff will ensure that your disposal needs are met and maintained.
Area & New Well Searches
CG Engineering will provide a geological study to determine ideal or new zones for disposal within an area of interest. This includes off-set searches of nearby disposal wells and injection rates. We also have the tools to search suspended or abandoned wells that are ideal candidates for re-completion into disposal wells.
Regulatory Compliance & Abandonments
CG Engineering can assist with the development and execution of regulatory compliance programs. Our engineers are experience working with regulatory bodies in Alberta, B.C. and Saskatchewan which is vital when submitting applications, submissions and amendments for existing disposal orders or new disposal licences.
Even if your current disposal well is under-performing or nearing the end of its disposal life-cycle CG can provide options such as zonal abandonment's and re-completions into upper zones, re-completing previously abandoned or suspended depleted zones and abandonment of over-pressured zones.